The American Optometric Association (AOA) says adults should schedule comprehensive eye exams every two years. Doing so will go a long way in the early detection of vision-threatening conditions like cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration. It will also let you know if you need to update your prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses.

Regular eye exams go beyond protecting your eyes and vision. They can also reveal these four health issues.
1. High Blood Pressure
Around a third of American adults have high blood pressure. Failure to manage it can increase the likelihood of glaucoma, stroke and heart attack. Abnormalities in the blood vessels in the back of the eye can indicate elevated blood pressure.
2. Diabetes
There are many instances where people don’t know they have diabetes until they visit their eye doctor. This health condition affects at least 10% of Americans. It can heighten your risk of diabetic retinopathy, an eye condition that affects the retina. Your optometrist might suggest you consult a primary doctor if they notice signs of diabetes in your eyes.
3. High Cholesterol
Individuals with high cholesterol could have a yellow or blue ring around their cornea. Deposits in the retina’s blood vessels could also be a sign that a person has high cholesterol. Sometimes, eye doctors can even tell if someone is about to have a stroke due to elevated cholesterol levels while examining their eyes.
4. Multiple Sclerosis
Only around 400,000 Americans have multiple sclerosis (MS). It is a neurological disorder that can affect the brain and spinal cord. Patients could experience vision problems and arm or leg movement difficulties. MS often causes inflammation in the optic nerve.
Keep track of your vision and eye health by regularly seeing your optometrist. Schedule your eye exam with Opti-Care today! Call us at (410) 795-8670 or complete our online form to request an appointment. We assist patients in Westminster and Marriottsville, MD.